
Harnessing the Spirit of Hospitality

Breathing life into spaces, crafting tranquil havens. Aligning quality with cost for travel destinations that resonate worldwide.
By channeling the spirit of omotenashi, Japan’s deep-rooted spirit of hospitality, Crosslink combines skill, experience, and flexibility to redefine welcome.

Our Philosophy

We build bridges between creators, operators, and visitors of hospitality spaces, optimizing experiences and guiding success.

When creating spaces that evoke profound emotions, a crucial aspect is achieving harmony in everything guests see and touch. As Procurement Agents (PA), our role involves meticulously sourcing every item — from luxurious chandeliers to coffee cups — seamlessly integrating design, quality, and business perspective. We stand side-by-side with our clients throughout the project, guiding them from planning through execution to opening and post-launch operations. We serve as dedicated consultants committed to their success.

The Value We Bring

We are an independent Japanese procurement agent firm, navigating projects neutrally to maximize value for our clients and operating without ties to specific routes or suppliers. Our strengths lie in our interior expertise, including design, manufacturing, and maintenance, our extensive network of contractors and suppliers, and a diverse team with backgrounds across various fields. Alongside our considerable hotel project experience, we bring practical solutions to our client’s procurement needs.

Our Mission

Our mission is to enhance Procurement Agents’ value and serve as the premier bridge for all stakeholders in spatial development.

Company profile

Crosslink Corporation
Daigo Kamisuki
Daisuke Shintani
Year Established
April 2013
25 staff
OHE building 1F&B1F, 3-12-3, Motoazabu, Minato-ku Tokyo, Japan 106-0046(Google Maps
Our Banks
MUFG Bank, Ltd. Aoyama-Dori Branch / Resona Bank, Ltd. Akasaka Branch / Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Mita-Dori Branch / The Higashi-Nippon Bank, Ltd. Mita Branch / Mizuho Bank, Ltd. Tokyo-Chuo Branch

Business Description

  1. General consulting services related to building interiors.
  2. Design, production, treatment, import and export, management of delivery, outsourced procurement, agency duties relevant to furniture, accessories and equipment, decorative fabric for interior, electric lighting equipment, ceramics, tableware, glassware, and other interior decorative items.
  3. Secondhand/antique purchase and sales.
  4. Research, planning, designing, composition, production and construction contract and outsource service related to sales promotion and public relations of commercial facility, office, stores, product display.
  5. Real estate, operation/management of shared offices.
  6. Operation/management of commercial facilities, accommodation, offices, and stores.


The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), established at the UN Summit in September 2015, represent international aspirations to create a sustainable and improved world by 2030. As a representative of real estate developers and operators of hotels, Crosslink aligns its stance with SDGs alongside each developer and hotel management company and is actively committed to achieving SDGs. As a company that procures several thousand commercial materials from several hundred suppliers for each project, we consistently engage in dialogue with suppliers to assess their progress in advancing SDGs. We then compile, analyze, and transparently disclose the results as part of our ongoing commitment to sustainable development.


Current Situation

Future Goals

Affordable and Clean Energy

  • Proactively advocate for energy-saving and eco-friendly products when selecting lighting and appliances.

We not only secure modern energy sources like renewables but also promote their adoption. Additionally, we are committed to enhancing energy efficiency.

6. Clean Water and Sanitation
13. Climate Action
14. Life Below Water
15. Life on Land

  • Using FSC® certified wood and adhering to global environmental management standards.
  • Encouraging a paperless office, covering contracts, documents, and expense reimbursements.
  • Choosing manufacturing facilities with effective wastewater treatment.
  • Implementing a company-wide Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for disaster preparedness.

Preserving the global environment for future generations by addressing issues like illegal deforestation, mountain and ocean water pollution, marine debris, and global warming.

Sustainable Cities and Communities

  • Actively incorporating domestic wood products.
  • Introducing items from small-scale local businesses and artisans.
  • Conducting and analyzing SDGs promotion surveys among supplier companies, with ongoing assessments.

Enhance engagement with small businesses, local companies, and communities, supporting their involvement in SDGs actions through collaborative efforts.

Responsible Consumption and Production

  • Encourage use of products made with recycled materials
  • Reuse of furniture
  • Recycle and reuse of packing materials

Promote the efficient use of natural resources in the production process, fostering awareness of sustainable economic development for both users and suppliers.

4.Quality Education
5.Gender Equality
8.Decent Work and Economic Growth

  • Motivate staff to obtain relevant certifications.
  • Ensure full participation and equal leadership opportunities for women.
  • Implement Activity Based Working (ABW).
  • Enhance the work environment (minimize overwork, adopt remote work/parental leave, etc.).

Ensure equal access to enhance learning opportunities for the entire team.
Support individual diversity, including cultural, gender, and various backgrounds.